For creating electronic signatures, the signer is required to obtain a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from a Certifying Authority (CA) licensed by the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) under the Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000. For offering fully paperless citizen services, mass adoption of digital signature is necessary. A simple to use online service is required to allow everyone to have the ability to digitally sign electronic documents. CSC-CA is setup to cater the needs of issuance of Digital Signature Certificates for eSign services.

eSign is an online electronic signature service which can be integrated with service delivery applications to facilitate an eSign user to digitally sign a document. Using authentication of the eSign user through e-KYC service, online electronic signature service is facilitated.

Features of eSign
Save cost and timee-KYC based authentication
Improve user convenienceMandatory e-KYC id
Easily apply Digital SignatureBiometric or OTP based authentication
Verifiable Signatures and SignatoryFlexible and fast integration with application
Legally recognizedSuitable for individual business and Government
Managed by Licensed CAsAPI subscription Model
Privacy concerns addressedAssured Integrity with complete audit trail
Simple Signature verificationImmediate destruction of keys after usage
Short validity certificatesNo concerns regarding key storage and key protection

Certification Practice Statement (CPS) captures the rights and obligations of each and every entity participating in the issuance and usage of Digital Signature Certificate. The CPS documents the basis for issuing, managing, using, suspending, activating and revoking of Digital Signature Certificates. It is intended to legally bind all parties that create, use, and validate Digital Signature Certificates within the context of the certification practices.