Approach and Methodology for Digital India Programme are:

  1. Ministries / Departments / States would fully leverage the Common and Support ICT Infrastructure established by GoI. DeitY would also evolve/ lay down standards and policy guidelines, provide technical and handholding support, undertake capacity building, R&D, etc.
  2. The existing/ ongoing e-Governance initiatives would be suitably revamped to align them with the principles of Digital India. Scope enhancement, Process Reengineering, use of integrated & interoperable systems and deployment of emerging technologies like cloud & mobile would be undertaken to enhance the delivery of Government services to citizens.
  3. States would be given flexibility to identify for inclusion additional state-specific projects, which are relevant for their socio-economic needs.
  4. e-Governance would be promoted through a centralised initiative to the extent necessary, to ensure citizen centric service orientation, interoperability of various e-Governance applications and optimal utilisation of ICT infrastructure/ resources, while adopting a decentralised implementation model.
  5. Successes would be identified and their replication promoted proactively with the required productization and customisation wherever needed.
  6. Public Private Partnerships would be preferred wherever feasible to implement e-Governance projects with adequate management and strategic control.
  7. Adoption of Unique ID would be promoted to facilitate identification, authentication and delivery of benefits.
  8. Restructuring of NIC would be undertaken to strengthen the IT support to all government departments at Centre and State levels.
  9. The positions of Chief Information Officers (CIO) would be created in at least 10 key Ministries so that various e-Governance projects could be designed, developed and implemented faster. CIO positions will be at Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary level with over-riding powers on IT in the respective Ministry.